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What to do after a sleepless night, in which you were on call. 7 useful tips for doctors who work long hours

Healthcare professionals, especially those who work long shifts of up to 20 hours, often face the challenge of sleepless nights. This is a situation that, although part of their professional routine, can have significant effects on their health and performance. Sleepless nights do not only mean lack of sleep, but also involve periods of intense activity (both physical, but especially mental), making quick decisions and managing emergency situations, which amplifies stress and fatigue. Although this aspect is inevitable in a doctor's career, managing the effects is essential. If you find yourself in this situation, read on to find out what to do after a sleepless night to maintain your health.

How much lack of sleep affects you

Although lost hours of sleep cannot be recovered, your body can actually recover from a sleepless night within 1-2 days. These do not compensate for the lack of previous rest, but if you take care to provide the body with all the necessary support, you will not feel the effects so pronounced later. However, the time required may vary from person to person, and among the important factors in this respect we mention:

  • Number of sleepless hours
  • How demanding the shift was
  • Age
  • Your lifestyle (active or sedentary)
  • Eating

What to do to recover after a 24-hour guard

Recovery isn't just about sleeping more, it's about making sure you get quality, uninterrupted sleep. After a grueling 20-24 hour shift, the first step is to sit down as soon as possible in a quiet place, even if you don't fall asleep right away. Avoid caffeine or sugar, but also processed foods, which can put pressure on the body. Eat something light that does not require much digestive effort and hydrate properly. Don't plan demanding activities the next day and minimize stress. Focus on relaxing activities that help you recharge with positive energy.

Useful tips for doctors who work long hours

There are many things to consider before, during and after completing a full guard, and here are 7 of the most helpful tips:

  • Comfortable clothing
  • Choose medical uniforms made from lightweight materials that allow the skin to breathe. The last thing you need when you work so many hours is to wear uncomfortable clothes that bother you with every step. Choose a medical suit that ensures your comfort throughout the shift. The ones made of cotton and polyester are durable and easy to clean, which means you don't waste a lot of time cleaning it .

  • Orthopedic footwear
  • Invest in quality orthopedic footwear . This is one of the most important pieces of advice a doctor can receive. Although the importance of this factor is often underestimated, medical clogs help you reduce fatigue and discomfort and prevent the appearance of medical problems in the feet such as calluses, but also the feeling of heavy feet .

  • Wear polar robes on chilly nights
  • On cold nights, don't forget to wear a fleece to keep your body temperature constant and prevent a cold. The body is already overworked because of the sleepless hours, and a cold would make the recovery process even more difficult. A warm robe will help you feel more comfortable and focus better on your duties.

  • Adequate nutrition
  • Make sure you have healthy, nutritious snacks on hand to help keep your energy levels up, and of course, avoid the unhealthy, high-sugar ones. Although it can be tempting to have something sweet, consume this type of snack in moderation, as it can affect your sleep later. Opt for nuts, seeds and fruits instead

  • hydration
  • It's just as important to hydrate, both before and during the shift. When your activity is intense, you constantly lose fluids through sweat, which can lead to dehydration. Keep a small water bottle handy and remember to drink at least 8 glasses of water a day. Natural juices from fresh fruits can also be a good source of hydration and nutrients.

  • breaks
  • Take a moment to relax whenever you get the chance. Rest your eyes as well because when you work for long hours constantly in the cold artificial light, specific to the hospital, the effects are felt and your eyes need a break. Find a comfortable place to sit and stretch your body. A few stretching exercises will help you continue the activity and release the accumulated tension.

  • Fresh air
  • Get out of the building or simply go to a window to get some fresh air. All kinds of pathogens are often present in hospitals, including in the air. That's why this step is also important, especially to avoid viruses. Fresh air also does wonders for the ability to concentrate, as it allows better oxygenation.

    Bottom line, after a sleepless night and an exhausting watch, your priority should be recovery. Pay attention to sleep and personal care in every way. Also keep in mind the tips given earlier, which help you to last the entire guard without overtaxing your body. Choose appropriate medical clothes and orthopedic shoes, which will ensure optimal comfort during the program. Also, stay hydrated and don't neglect your nutritional intake.

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