Medici in sala de operatie imbracati cu echipament medical

The first guard. 5 useful tips that every first-time doctor must know

Being a doctor always comes with a lot of emotions and questions. A hospital guard entails a lot of responsibility for urgent cases that come in, regardless of the time. In this article we will detail the most important aspects of this stage that a doctor goes through several times a month and we will give you useful tips to put into practice during this time. They will help you feel good while on duty and carry out your work efficiently.

What does it entail and how many hours does a hospital stay last?

Managing emergencies, monitoring patients, but also performing medical procedures when necessary are the basic things specific to a guard. An on-call usually lasts about 30 hours on average, and most doctors perform about 5-10 on-calls per month.

How difficult it is to resist in such situations

Working 30 hours under stress is no easy job for sure. Of course, the difficulty of a guard can vary depending on the difficulty and the number of cases that present themselves at the hospital's emergency unit during that interval. However, medics must endure 30 hours without sleep, as few manage to rest while on duty. Especially at the beginning of the career, until the body gets used to it, the challenge is all the greater. Accumulated fatigue and constant stress affect the ability to make quick and correct decisions (essential while on duty), but also the doctor's performance in general. In Romania, a doctor works an average of 60 hours a week, that is 20 hours more than the normal average, which makes it even more difficult to work during extended shifts.

How to properly prepare for first duty as a doctor

Next, we will present you with some useful tips that will help you prepare for your first shift as a doctor. But you need to keep them in mind afterwards as they contribute to your long-term physical and mental well-being.

Here are the most important aspects that you should always keep in mind:


    You have to endure 30 hours in a guard, during which you will probably be quite demanding. You will go from one patient to another, then it is necessary to fill in various documents, receive patients and so on. That's why comfort is essential. Comfortable clothing and shoes, specially made for medical use, allow your skin to breathe and you can move freely.


    • Comfortable uniforms for doctors

    We recommend the medical suits from the Classic Flex collection , because they are made of light and comfortable materials. It's also easy to iron and clean, so you don't need to spend a lot of time sanitizing your uniform. We have a wide range of sizes and colors, and the products are equipped with pockets, which allow you to have all the necessary tools at hand.


    • Medical clogs

    If you don't wear the right shoes, you run the risk of bunions or feeling heavy and tired feet at the end of the program. That is why it is necessary to wear quality orthopedic medical clogs that provide adequate support.


    • Thick clothing

    During a shift, you may have to leave the hospital several times to pick up patients, which is why you also need thick clothing to avoid catching a cold and feeling thermal discomfort. Fleece robes are the ideal solution, as you can quickly put them on when needed.

  • Proper hydration and nutrition
  • Eat the right foods both before and during the shift. The best are fruits, vegetables and light unprocessed products that do not cause stomach discomfort or drowsiness. Keep some snacks on hand to energize you when you get hungry. Also, don't forget to hydrate properly.


  • Rest
  • It's no secret that you need to sleep very well before you can last, because otherwise you won't be able to stay alert and you risk making mistakes. Make sure you have a comfortable mattress and that you sleep in a suitable environment, without noise sources that disturb your sleep. Even if you're on the front line and think you have enough energy because you're young, you'll be feeling the effects of sleep deprivation long after the program ends, so don't neglect this aspect.


  • breaks
  • As difficult as it may be at times, you need to take at least a 5-10 minute break regularly to give your body time to relax. During this time you can eat or rest in a quiet place. Also, a well-deserved coffee break will help you continue your work without errors.


  • Maintain a positive attitude
  • Last but not least, you will also need to prepare yourself for stress management, as a positive attitude helps you stay focused and efficient even in critical situations. Communicate effectively with the team, prioritize the most serious cases and ask for help when you need it. How you relate to various experiences matters enormously.

    As difficult as it may seem to make it through as a doctor, if you keep the above tips in mind you will be able to more effectively manage the challenges and provide the necessary care to your patients.

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