Short medical gown, white, men - Model Dr. Tunica Short
Short medical gown, white, men - Model Dr. Tunica Short
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Men's medical gown, short, with long sleeves, Dr. Tunic Short
The Dr. Tunica Short medical gown is the most practical and popular type of medical gown you can choose, especially for an energetic person like you, with a dynamic lifestyle, which is always in motion. Citeşte mai mult
Men's medical gown, short, with long sleeves, Dr. Tunic Short
The Dr. Tunica Short medical gown is the most practical and popular type of medical gown you can choose, especially for an energetic person like you, with a dynamic lifestyle, which is always in motion.
The three external pockets of the Dr. Tunica Short men's robe are generously tailored. Two arranged in the lower part of the cut and one on the left side of the chest, offer you the opportunity to keep your hands free, while the phone, stethoscope and other important medical items remain close at hand, when your activity is intense. span>
The robe is short, it has a length that slightly exceeds the level of the hips. This model does not have a cord. The Dr. Tunica Short medical gown for men has a snap closure and has a regular fit. Because it has long sleeves, it can be worn in the outdoor sanitary units, but also in the cold months of autumn and winter.
Dr. Tunica Short robe is made of high quality materials. It is pleasant to the touch, keeps you warm, but allows the skin to breathe. Very elegant and practical, it can be combined with a medical uniform of any color, from our collection.
The Dr. Tunica Short robe is made for all types of figure, so you can choose from a wide range of sizes, from XXS to XXXL.
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Acest costum medical de dama sau barbati cu croiala sport este prevazut cu sase buzunare, doua in partea inferioara a bluzei si patu la pantaloni. Acestea se vor dovedi foarte utile pentru a avea la indemana telefonul, stetoscopul, pixul, ochelarii si alte obiecte importante in timp ce mainile raman libere, astfel incat sa te poti ocupa cu grija de pacientii tai.
Pantalonii medicali sunt croiti pentru a-ti oferi confort sporit in timpul desfasurarii activitatii tale din spital, clinica sau cabinet individual. Fie ca esti doctor, asistent medical sau infirmier, femeie sau barbat, pe site-ul nostru gasesti o multime de modele din care poti sa-i alegi pe cei potriviti pentru tine. In plus, pantalonii medicali au buzunare generos croite, astfel incat sa ai mereu la tine obiectele importante.